LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Author name: Diana Boboc

What Happens After You Submit Your PhD Thesis?

What Happens After You Submit Your PhD Thesis?

Congratulations! You’ve just submitted your PhD thesis, a monumental achievement marking the culmination of years of dedication and research. But what happens after you submit your PhD thesis? The journey doesn’t end there. In fact, a whole new chapter is just beginning, filled with exciting possibilities and important decisions. First of all it’s important to […]

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Maintaining Creative Control When Publishing Your Book

Maintaining Creative Control When Publishing Your Book

For every author, seeing their book published is a dream come true. But the journey from manuscript to finished product can raise concerns about creative control in book publishing. This article explores the balance between authorial vision and publisher’s expertise, along with steps you can take to safeguard your creative input. What part of the

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Academic Book Publishing Timeline & Process: Ultimate Guide

Academic Book Publishing Timeline & Process: Ultimate Guide

How does academic book publishing work? The academic book publishing process is a complex but rewarding journey for authors seeking to share their research and expertise. Understanding the publishing process includes 7 steps, typically, from the initial concept to holding your published book in your hands.  Whether you’re exploring how to publish an academic book

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5 Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Writer

5 Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Writer

Even the most accomplished writers sometimes struggle with a nagging voice whispering, “You’re a fraud.” That’s imposter syndrome – the feeling you’re not skilled enough, and your success is just luck.  If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone!   Let’s break down imposter syndrome as a writer and explore how to overcome it in writing so

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How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Research Papers?

How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Research Papers? 

Robust research papers build upon the existing body of knowledge. However, to ensure the originality and integrity of your work, it’s crucial to understand and actively avoid plagiarism in research. What is Plagiarism in Research? Plagiarism occurs when you present another person’s words, ideas, data, or research findings as your own without proper credit. It

How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Research Papers?  Read More »

academic book publishing royalties

Book Royalty Rates for Authors & Publishers: Explained

What are book royalties? When it comes to publishing academic book, royalties are the payment that authors and publishers receive for the sale of each book. These royalties are typically a percentage of the book’s retail price, and they can vary depending on several factors, such as the book’s subject matter, the author’s reputation, and

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academic journals that publish book reviews

Top academic journals for publishing book reviews in various fields of study

Why Academic Journals Are Important?   Academic journals play a crucial role in the world of scholarship. They disseminate knowledge by widely sharing the latest research findings with the academic community.  Journals provide critical analysis, offering expert reviews that thoroughly assess the strengths, weaknesses, and overall value of new scholarly publications.  Additionally, they foster intellectual

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Master’s Thesis vs PhD Dissertation–Differences Explained

Is a Masters dissertation the same as a PhD thesis? Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, a thesis is associated with a master’s degree, while a dissertation is linked to a doctoral degree (PhD). Both involve original research, but dissertations are generally more extensive and contribute new knowledge to the field. What Is a

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